Q.1 What is the location of
items.xml in Hybris?
Ans : Items.xml is
extension specific . Every Extension has resources folder in which you can find
items.xml file which perfix the extension name . The syntax is extensioname-items.xml. For
Example : core-items.xml or cockpit-items.xml.
Q .2 What is the basic
structure of an Items.xml ?
Ans : The basic sturcture
of an items.xml is
Q3. Can the order of the
defined itemtypes vary in item.xml?
Ans : No , all the
itemtypes defined should be in the order defined above otherwise it ll lead to
a build error.
Q4 . How can you define a
new item type in items.xml?
Ans : A new item type can
be defined using the <itemtypes> tag which should include the code and
description attributes of the defined item type.eg:
<itemtype code="NewType"
generate="true" >
Q5. What is the meaning of
various attributes used in defining a new itemtype?
Ans :
1. code: code
is the name of the itemtype you defined . For eg. in above mentioned example
NewType is the name of the itemtype I have created.
2. extends : extends
attribute represents the parent of the new itemtype defined as in the above
example Product item the parent of the NewType item defined.
3.autocreate : autocreate
attrbiute can take only boolean value such as true and false. Setting autocreate element to true, which lets the hybris Commerce Suite create a
new database entry for this type at initialization/update process. Setting
the autocreate modifier to false causes a build failure if we are defining
a new subtype if you are just adding an attribute the already defined item then
autocreate can be set to false as it already has a database entry.
4. generate
: This attribute allows the creation of a new Model (Java class) for
the new itemtype defined .Setting it to false will lead to non creation of the
model class due to which there wont be any build error but you wont be able to
use the getter /setters of the attributes defined.
Q6. How an items.xml
is verified or validated?
Ans : In your
extension's directory /resources folder an item.xsd file exists using which Hybris commerce Suite validated the items.xml against
items.xsd. Any discrepancy caused between two files lead to build failure.
Q7. After creating a
new itemtype which layers are effected and how many new classes are created?
Ans :
1. JaloLayer: under
gensrc directory of that Extension ->Generated*.java and gensrc
directory is refreshed.
2. Service
Layer: Generate model classes as *Model.java under
bootstrap/gensrc directory in service layer .
3. *DTO
.java and *resources.java :Webservice-related classes which are
created to support CRUD logic via RESTful URIs. These classes are only
generated when the optional extension platformwebservices is included in your
4. *java :
In JaloLayer which extends the *Generated.java class.
SO in Total 5 new Java classes are created .
Q.8 How to make cronjob run on some servers(in case of load balancer or cluster ) and but not on others?
Ans : Read Here
Q.9 How can you add values to a collection type attribute and Map from Impex in Hybris ?
Ans : Read Here
Q.10 Difference between ant all and ant clean all in hybris .
Ans . Read Here .
Q.11 When to use modelService.refresh() method?
Ans . Read Here
How to run 2 hybris servers on same machine ?
How to run multiple hybris instances on same machine?
Flexible Search Query with JOIN Hybris Example
Hybris Composite Cron Job
Ans : Read Here
Q.9 How can you add values to a collection type attribute and Map from Impex in Hybris ?
Ans : Read Here
Q.10 Difference between ant all and ant clean all in hybris .
Ans . Read Here .
Q.11 When to use modelService.refresh() method?
Ans . Read Here
How to run 2 hybris servers on same machine ?
How to run multiple hybris instances on same machine?
Flexible Search Query with JOIN Hybris Example
Hybris Composite Cron Job
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