Overriding concept is associated with Inheritance . If we have 2 classes ,one extending the other then child class can override methods of parent class . But there are some rules which needs to be followed :
So we will see which are all these rules :
Rule 1 : The signature of method in the child class should be exactly same as that in Parent class which includes return type, method parameters and name.
Rule 2: Argument list should be exactly same as that of overridden method.
Rule 3: Constructors cannot be overridden .
Rule 4: Static methods cannot be overridden but can be re declared which is actually method hiding .
Method Overloading : Overloading in java occurs when methods in a same class or in child classes shares a same name with a ‘difference in number of arguments’ or ‘difference in argument type’ or both.
Argument list could differ in –
Number of parameters
Data type of parameters
Sequence of data type of parameters
You can read in details with example about Method Overloading here.
Method Overloading
Method Overriding
Signature of method in the child class differs as that in Parent class
Signature of method in the child class should be exactly same as that in Parent class
Argument list could differ in –
Number of parameters
Data type of parameters
Sequence of data type of parameters
Argument list should be exactly same as that of overridden method.
Method overloading a single class is it means both of the method are written in the same clas
Method overriding we have two classes one is parent other is child .Child class Indane contain the overridden method and it need to extend the parent class .
Method overloading is compile time polymorphism.In method overloading if there is an issue with the method signature it is shown in the eclipse as soon as you write the code
Method overriding is runtime polymorphism
Java Method Overloading example
class javaInHouseOverloadingExample
void int add(int a,int b)
return a+b;
void int add(int a,int b,int c)
return a+b+c;
Java Method Overriding example
class Parent
void eat()
class Child extends Parent
void eat()
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