Hi Guys ,today I am going to write a post on Test Validators in Spring MVC with Junit or How to write Junit for Validators.
I faced quite a lot problem in finding a proper solution for that while working in a project . These Validators are used
in Spring MVC and Hybris projects . So Basically while writting a Validator I had to check 2 main things 1st was that expiry date should not be null and
other was the file uploaded in form should have valid format and lesser than 5MB in size. so My Validator method looks as below:
so for JUnit of this validator i need to varify errors.rejectValue as feel upload a dummy file with java code in my validtor class.
So my Test class looks as below :
1. In method createFileItem I created a dummy file to send as parameter to my validate method . In test methods I am using
two differen files test.txt and test.jpg as my validtor allows only media file so test.txt is to check the failing criteria.
2. to check error.rejectValue in junit I have used assertEquals . It conatins 2 parameters first is the String and other one is the
value set in Errors object by validator .errors.getFieldError("date") in this the fieldName date is same as given in validator for errors.setrejectValue.
I hope this post helps .If someone has a better code or enhancements that can b done please comment below or also write a mail to admin@javainhouse.com
I faced quite a lot problem in finding a proper solution for that while working in a project . These Validators are used
in Spring MVC and Hybris projects . So Basically while writting a Validator I had to check 2 main things 1st was that expiry date should not be null and
other was the file uploaded in form should have valid format and lesser than 5MB in size. so My Validator method looks as below:
public void validate(final Object object, final Errors errors)
final myForm myForm = (myForm) object;
if (!checkFileContentType(myForm.getFileScan().getContentType())
errors.rejectValue("file", "File is Invalid");
if (myForm.getExpiryDate() == null || myForm.getExpiryDate().equals(""))
errors.rejectValue("date", "Invalid date");
so for JUnit of this validator i need to varify errors.rejectValue as feel upload a dummy file with java code in my validtor class.
So my Test class looks as below :
MyValidator = new MyValidator();
public void setUp() throws Exception
MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);// this line is optional if not using mockito
MyForm myForm= new MyForm();
String path = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath();
File file = new File(path + "abc.jpeg");
FileItem fi = this.createFileItem("file", file);
CommonsMultipartFile FileScan = new CommonsMultipartFile(fi);
public void testdatenull()
final BindException errors = new BindException(myForm, myForm.class.getName());
MyValidator.validate(myForm, errors);
assertEquals("Invalid date", errors.getFieldError("date").getCode());
public void testEmptyFileScan()
MyForm myNewForm= new MyForm();
String path = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath();
File file = new File(path + "abc.xml");
FileItem fi = this.createFileItem("file", file);
CommonsMultipartFile newFileScan = new CommonsMultipartFile(fi);
final BindException errors = new BindException(myNewForm, MyForm.class.getName());
MyValidator.validate(myNewForm, errors);
assertEquals("File is invalid", errors.getFieldError("file").getCode());
private FileItem createFileItem(final String fieldName, final File file) throws Exception
final boolean isFormField = false;
final String fileName = file.getName();
final String contentType = new MimetypesFileTypeMap().getContentType(file);
final DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
final FileItem fileItem = factory.createItem(fieldName, contentType, isFormField, fileName);
final InputStream input = new FileInputStream(file);
final OutputStream output = fileItem.getOutputStream();
IOUtils.copy(input, output);
return fileItem;
1. In method createFileItem I created a dummy file to send as parameter to my validate method . In test methods I am using
two differen files test.txt and test.jpg as my validtor allows only media file so test.txt is to check the failing criteria.
2. to check error.rejectValue in junit I have used assertEquals . It conatins 2 parameters first is the String and other one is the
value set in Errors object by validator .errors.getFieldError("date") in this the fieldName date is same as given in validator for errors.setrejectValue.
I hope this post helps .If someone has a better code or enhancements that can b done please comment below or also write a mail to admin@javainhouse.com
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