- Hi Friends today we will discuss about how to find top two maximum numbers in an array using java program.
- For this we have written separate function to perform logic
- findTwoMaxNumbers method takes integer array as an argument
- Initially take two variables to find top to numbers and assign to zero.
- By using for each loop iterating array and compare current value with these values
- If our value is less than current array value then assign current value to max1
- And assign maxone to maxtwo because maxtwo should be second highest.
- After completion of all iterations maxone will have top value and maxtwo will have second maximum value.
- Print first maximum and second maximum values.
- So from main method create array and pass to findTwoMaxNumbers(int [] ar)
package com.javainhouse;
public class FindTopTwo {
public void findTwoMaxNumbers(int[] array){
int maxOne = 0;
int maxTwo = 0;
for(int i:array){
if(maxOne < i){
maxTwo = maxOne;
maxOne =i;
} else if(maxTwo < i){
maxTwo = i;
System.out.println("First Maximum Number: "+maxOne);
System.out.println("Second Maximum Number: "+maxTwo);
public static void main(String a[]){
int num[] = {4,23,67,1,76,1,98,13};
FindTopTwo obj = new FindTopTwo();
obj.findTwoMaxNumbers(new int[]{4,5,6,90,1});
First Maximum Number: 98
Second Maximum Number: 76
First Maximum Number: 90
Second Maximum Number: 6
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